This past weekend, we had a retreat here at home. It was fun to get away from the city and get to spend a bit more time with some of the church family. Sunday mornings are so rushed!
Anyway, one of the things I was in charge of, was having a little art workshop during the free time on saturday. I was glad to do it, though I had so much to prepare for between the workshop and the games I was in charge of, it was just a lot of stuff to pack and bring, all for a one night away.
I decided that I would teach a bit about collage. It's what I've been doing alot of lately. We got off to a slow start, with only 2 people joining me at first. Then one more, and then a whole family of 5 joined us at the very end, with only 20 minutes left. Things got a little nuts there at the end, and I'm not sure anyone learned great things but I think everyone had fun, and got to play with some things they might not have come up with on their on.
The little painting above is what I did during the workshop. I was just playing with shapes, and textures, and when my boys and Fabio came to see if I was done, they declared that it looked "planetary" or like-saturn" or "from outer-space." I did a little finishing touch to it when I got home, but though it wasn't my intention, I think they are right. I like how it came out.
Any one have any thoughts?