two cups

Today, we celebrated a wonderful friend's birthday. She turns 50this week. Happy Birthday, Susan!!
We all contributed to a book full of flat gifts, and at her husband's request, I made the painting to the right for her.
We have coffee together on a weekly basis, and so this was a natural first thought.
It was a lot of fun to do, in that it was the first watercolor painting I've done in a long time. It was also the first painting I've done in my "new" studio, which isn't all finished, but it's starting to take shape.
I'm very excited about the prospect of what getting back to painting might mean for me.
Please leave me your comments, constructive criticisms or just say hello.

8 1/2 x 11 on 140lb. watercolor paper


Nina Johansson said...

Lovely piece, I love watercolor over ink and you did a great job on this one. I´ll bet your friend was happy to get this!

Thank you for your comment on my blog, and I couldn´t find an e-mail address to answer your question so I´ll take the liberty of doing so here: The Kremer pigment watercolor box are watercolors, not gouache. Still many of the colors are a lot more opaque than I´m used to. I like them though, they are fun to work with.

Mark said...

Hi there, I am not an artist, but I am a Christ follower and wanted to just say that I was blessed by your blog. Keep creating and sharing,