a look at the past...

Having a scanner will be so cool. This is the first slide I came across, and figured it was a good thing to scan and post. That way I get to see the quality as well as show you some old artwork.

I did this piece at the end of my senior year in college, in '95. That's 12 years ago. It was a piece that got to be in the senior show as one of my best. It's a self-portrait.
You might be thinking it's self-righteous; you would be mis-enterpreting my thoughts and intentions, but that's okay. It's actually a commentary on my surroundings at the time. I was thought to be a goody-two-shoes, or an angel, by most of my friends and peers, but I knew that in God's eyes, my halo was a crooked one. Far from perfect!
This is done in oil, on illustration board. It's about 9"x6", one of my smallest paintings.
It continues to be one of my favorites. It makes me be impressed at my own skills, and it makes me want to paint in oil again. When my studio is ready...
My studio is almost a reality, and we've made a lot of progress on it this week, thanks to my husband, and my brother-in-law. Thanks guys!


Anonymous said...

Amor -

This reminds me of when I first met you in June of 1996. You were just passing by in California and you happened to have copies of some of your artwork with you. This was one of them and I remember thinking how awesome it was. You are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're certainly no angel... hahhaha. jk... I remember this painting when you made it. It's really good. It looks just like you! Cool!!