Every Day In May

I just found and committed to my next project.
It will only serve to enhance and stick to my already laid out plans for my art.
The project is called "Every Day In May" and was started by a fellow artist and blogger, french toast girl, whose work I love.
She started this last year, in May, and she decided to do it again. The intent is to do something creative every day in May. I wil be painting/drawing every day. Mostly I hope to work on and finish a project I've already begun, and complete at least one more painting. I will post my progress, and other everyday drawings. As she put it, some of the paintings/drawings may not be great, and some may be amazing. It's more of an exercise to keep on plugging on. I will post my work here, as well as in the "Every Day in May" flickr group.
Would you like to join me? If so, let me know. We can then make sure we're encouraging each other.
A couple months ago, I did a project called "30 faces" in which I drew/painted a face (almost) every day of the month. It was a great discipline, and it kept me on target with my art, gave me some nice work at the end of it, and it had people visiting my blog with more frequency. Hopefully this project will do the same, and I will get your visits and comments, and I will continue to grow and expand as an artist.

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