i painted in church

Today was the 3rd sunday where the focus has been on artists, in a series called "Imagine: Christians and the Arts" at Graffiti.
Every sunday, Taylor has spoken on a different topic, and a musician, dancer, or actors have given a performance which is connected to the sermon, because artists have a way of helping us to understand life, and life's hardships better.
So today was my turn, to help interpret the topic of "Dignity". [I'll put a link to the sermon once we have one.]
The specifics were about how God giives us a face, and we are created in his image.
I started painting right before the service began. This was my second attempt at this. On a canvas larger than I'd ever worked on. On stage, and I was to paint a portrait in about 45 -50 minutes.
I did all my prep work this week. I'd bought the canvas and had a wash on it. I had made a small version of it in colored pencils to help me work out the colors since the orginal picture was in black and white. I'd pre-mixed some colors. And I'd prayed a lot. But I was still a little nervous.
This painting was 3 feet x 3 feet. My last painting at church, off stage, with no special lighting on me was 18" x22". The biggest work I would usually do back in art school was 16"x20", and that would be over a couple weeks of working on it. This was done in acrylics. I used to paint mostly in watercolors and oils.
One friend said I was very brave. I said maybe a little brave with a large dose of insanity.
The neat thing was once I was painting, the nerves were gone, and I was super enjoying it. I was still aware of the time, and I did sing along with the congregation. but I was very happy. The biggest thing was that I had to listen for Taylor's ending point so as to be able to finish at the same time as him. I did.
People liked it, and were impressed. I pray that it spoke to people in a deeper way about his love, and that God was honored with my worship and service.
Of course, had this been a longer painting time, I would have added more to it, but once I stepped away from it, I liked it, even though I could see faults with it.


Sr. Fab said...

Great picture of the artist at work!

Michelle said...

That turned out great, Glaucia. I can't believe what you can do in such a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

Wow - That's amazing. Not only in public but in such a short amount of time. Love the shot of you working on it, too!

Gláucia Mir said...

thanks amy for the post, and for the link on your blog. I'm looking forward to catching up with all your podcasts.

Michelle-- thanks for posting the link on your blog. I get lots of traffic thru your blog!