30 faces - art with my son

Yesterday would be the last day that Willik was home with the chicken pox, first, then with a terrible cough.
He'd been wanting to teach me a technique he learned at school in art class, so we attempted it.
It's called "drawing with scissors" and we had a lot of fun doing it. You can make it as realistic or abstract as one wants. And using different interesting papers would make it more special. For this particular application, we used construction paper, and it worked well.
Because I'm in the middle of my 30 faces, I naturally figured this would be a good day to "make" another
face, and that I did. I cut a profile out.
The process is to cut any shape you want out of a piece of paper.

Have another 2 pieces of paper of the same size, but different colors/textures ready to go.
Once you cut, you then glue your "positive" image to one paper, and your "negative" to the other.
You end up with 2 versions of the piece. I chose to glue mine down as mirror images.

It was a lot of fun, and practicing with scissors is a great thing for any child! and artistic moms too!


Willik's umbrella bird:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i realize it is a rather simple technique and medium, but i like it a lot! i've always liked profiles.

and i love the fact that you got to spend some quality time with willik while doing it.