December project

Despite my failures in the november project, I push on ahead, instead of looking back,
The journey to make art, successful and pleasing to God, is interesting. It us also what I seek to do with my life, so I've been trying to make those 2 parts of my life become one. My life is about "Seeking the Muse" not just my art, or my blog.
While seeking, it occurred to me what would be a great project for December. That is, to paint 4 moments from the Christmas story.
Painting from stories in the Bible has always been something I've wanted to do, and this was just an extension of that.
So I've been praying and seeking to figure out what those might be.

My goal is to have 4 paintings by the end of the month.
I'm having to do a bit more research than has been the case of late, so this might be a bit of a challenge at first.
So, below are 2 quick sketches of to help me with placement of ideas for the final paintings...

joseph's dream

the shepherds are terrified

Any comments, thoughts or questions are always appreciated.


Michelle said...

Hey Glaucia, we just recently watched "The Nativity Story". Its a very good movie if you get a chance to watch it. I'm not sure if the movie would give you ideas or distort the ones you have.

Gláucia Mir said...

hey michelle
Actually Susan recommended I watch the movie to help with accuracy of the settings. I need to get it out from the library.

RQ said...

Hey, sounds like a cool idea... why did you decide on 4? Are there 4 specific things you're thinking of?