The bridge is done

I've worked on this painting for a long time. It started out in my mind as something that would be a face, but the difficulties and series of unexpected results in the early stages of preparing the canvas made me feel as if it had to become a cityscape of sorts. Inspired by one of photographs, and just pushed on by a emotional color choice, I finally finished this mixed media piece.
It took long, and I struggled through much of it, and had some great learning experiences because of it, but I'm just glad it's done.

I'm still not very much in love with it. What do you think?

I can handle any criticism, or praise you send my way.


Erin said...

Love the perspective on the bridge, and for some reason I'm crazy loving the circles dotting the picture. They break up the lines and give your eyes places to rest at the centre of the canvas.

Yay you!

Anonymous said...

I really like the picture. Well, if you wanted a face to be there, you can say that the dots look like a robot's eyes looking upon the scene.

the fourth samba said...

This is like Edvard Munch in San Fran!

Verna Vogel said...

oh I just love this, Glaucia!

glad you left a comment on my stretcher-building post, else I may never have come across your work.

love the emotional feeling in this man-made structure - the red really does that, and the circles/abstract-ish background.

very inspiring!