30 faces no. 18

This was my faces endeavor for yesterday. I am just obssessed with doing sculpture right now.
This was done with plastilina.
It will never harden, so I can work on him more later, if I feel like it. I think he might need a hat, or a hairdress or something, and I need to make him "stand up" on his own.
It'd been about 14 years since I worked with this material, and I can't believe I still had some around. It's fun.
He's about 2-3" tall. If I want to add more details to him, I will definetely need some smaller tools.


owenswain said...

Just like us, ever being molded, never finished. As a kid I used what was called Plasticine. Great fun.

Na said...

this is awesome that you are so motivated still, and you seem to be having fun. im so glad u are because im not! maybe it will pick back up.

Gláucia Mir said...

at first, when I started to lag behing, and actually, I'm still behind, I started to feel badly. But as Owen pointed out, it's about having fun, and I took it to heart. If it's a chore, then give yourself a break, or change mediums.