30 faces no. 20

Another drawing done at church, during the sermon. I enjoy drawing people in the congregation. And I can jot a quick note, here and there, to help me remember a good point.
this woman was far away from me, but luckily, I had a good clear view of her.
There's not much of her face in this drawing, but that is what I like about it. The angle and the "less than profile" look I captured.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any colors at the time, and colorful she was. I may put some color in later on.
Done with pitt fine and medium black markers on sketchbook paper.


Anonymous said...

You could be a court artist!

Anonymous said...

Sera' que voce consegue desenhar tao atentamente e ainda ouvir e assimilar o sermao alem de cultuar a Deus? Espero que sim...