Every Day In May - Six

Yes, I've skipped 5. Saturday was filled with lots of errands and random activities, including soccer and laundry.
By the time the evening came around, I tried making a quick drawing in my journal, but fell asleep while at it, so there's no day five.

Yesterday, after a long day at church, and having lunch with my Bible study group to celebrate the end of the book of Luke study we'd been doing, Fabio only had enough time to drop everyone off before leaving for his nighttime shift.

Since Phoenix had fallen asleep, I thought this a good opportunity to do a cool art project with Willik. We made a pop-up cad which we're sending to a friend, by following instructions from a book called "How To Make Super Pop-Ups" by Joan Irvine.
We borrowed this book from the library a couple weeks ago. It's a sequel t another book, which we haven't looked at yet. Mom and sone loved the book. It has great clear instructions and illustrations to show us what to expect. After we worked to build the card, Willik decorated and designed it his way. It was a fun creative thing to do, which I haven't done much of. Paper art is certainly one I need to discover more of!

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