Everyday in May - Sixteen

Posting what I've done each day has seemed impossible. I'm not really sure why. I seem to be exhausted at night. I'm just trying to find energy to actually do the work!
So on that day, I worked on 2 tshirt design for 2 different church's summer camp stuff.
This is what I came up with...

This one was for my church's summer program called GASP (graffiti afternoon summer program).
The children's director asked me for something simple, and it will be one color on a shirt for all the kids.
She approved it, so all I gotta do is get it ready for the printer guy.

The other design was a bit more fun, because I was given more lee-way, as well as more colors to work with.
This group is Graffiti 2, which is a spin off our church, but they meet in Motthaven, in the South Bronx. It's a tough neighborhood, much like the Lower East Side used to be when Graffiti first started over 20 years ago, so doing a more edgy, graffiti-driven design seemed appropriate. I haven't yet heard back from that director. We'll see where we go from here.
This is what I came up with...

Any thoughts?
Would you want to wear a tshirt that had either of these designs on them?

1 comment:

Sr. Fab said...

They both have a spiderman feel. A lot of webbing.